Annie and the Imaginary Menagerie.

During lockdown my daughter (an only child) became very lonely.

As a resourceful child she drew on her imagination to get her through the tough times and the things she imagined inspired me to write (and try to illustrate) a children’s book.

This is Annie:

The basic premise is that a little girl who is obsessed with animals (like my daughter) and imagines them all the time (like my daughter) is jolted out of her day dream so abruptly that the animal she’s dreaming of, jumps straight out of her imagination and into her bedroom!

And now it’s happened once - it keeps on happening!

Chaos obviously ensues as she tries to hide them around the house…

The story is finished, but the illustrations…

… what with life, work and moving house it’s a struggle to fit it in, but I’m hoping, now my Annie is a bit older, I’ll be able to find some more time to spend on it.


Homebase. Various Projects.


National Poetry Day / Teacher engagement campaign